Associate Wedding Photographer
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number:
How did you hear about this position?
Tell us why you're interested in this position:
Why are you a good fit for the LVER team & associate photographer position?
What is your education background?
Tell us about your experience/skills with photography & computer software:
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
If you have a portfolio, link it here:
It's OK if you don't have one! This is not a requirement.
Do you have an Instagram account? If so, please link below!
PS - we aren't expecting to see a photography portfolio here! A personal account is perfect! :)
Which days/times are you typically available for a short (30 min) phone or Facetime call (we'll confirm the date/time with you before scheduling anything - this just gives us a general idea!)
Mondays @ 11am-1pm
Mondays @ 1pm-3pm
Tuesdays @ 7am-9am
Tuesdays @ 9am-12pm
Tuesdays @ 1pm-3pm
Wednesdays @ 7am-9am
Wednesdays @ 3pm-5pm
Thursdays @ 7am-9am
Thursdays @ 10am-12pm
Fridays @ 8am-10am
Anything else you want us to know?
Please upload your resume here:
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